

Info-Veranstaltung: Antifascist Organization & the Far-Right in Netherlands

Antifascist Organization & the Far-Right in Netherlands

Fr, 23.03.2018 | 19:30 Uhr | Bunte Kuh (Bernkasteler Straße 78 / Weißensee)

Presentation with Antifascists living in the Netherlands. Besides the extreme right movement manifesting in the parliarment and neonazi street gangs who see theirselves up wind, Netherlands Antifascists have to deal more and more with the repression of the state and the police. An answer might be the „Laat Ze Niet Lopen“ concept, which was brought to life around ten years ago. It proposes the use of decentralised and autonomous actions coordinated through a central information point. The Presentation contains informations about this concept, about the state of the extreme right and about challenges Netherlands Antifascists have to face.

On Friday the 23.03.18 – 19:30 antifascists from Antifascist Action Netherlands will give a presentation in the Bunte Kuh in Weißensee on the situation concerning the extreme right in the Netherlands and the Laat Ze Niet Lopen concept.

Racism is being normalised due to the growth of the extreme right, on the streets and in parliament. Due to this antifascists are being faced with new challenges. Used to fighting neo-nazi gangs they now find themselves confronted with an extreme right movement that has shifted from manifesting itself in the form of nazi-skinhead demonstrations to a representation in mainstream parliamentary politics. Yet the fringe groups and street gangs remain, and they now feel more comfortable to operate in public than before.

The normalisation of racism, and right wing views, has brought even more repression down on the antifascist movement. Frequently antifascist demonstrations will be countered by a disproportional amount of police officers. To counter this repression the concept Laat Ze Niet Lopen (Don’t Let Them March) was brought to life around ten years ago. The concept proposes the use of decentralised and autonomous actions, coordinated through a central information point.

During the presentation antifascists living in the Netherlands will talk about the state of the extreme right in the Netherlands, the Laat Ze Niet Lopen concept and the challenges they face.

Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://antifa-nordost.org/7190/info-veranstaltung-antifascist-organization-the-far-right-in-netherlands/